

About Troop 81

Troop 81, chartered by St. Pius X Catholic Church, has been meeting for over 50 years.  Since being chartered in 1958, Troop 81 has been on countless outings, helped 1000s of people through service, and has had a total of 109 Eagle Scouts.  In early 2014 Troop 81 extended into the BSA Venturing program with Crew 81 of the Indian Nations Council.  Crew 81 is a coed program that extends outdoor opportunity to boys and girls ages 14 to 20.

Service has always been extremely important to Troop 81, even from the beginning.  Through countless Eagle Projects Troop 81 has not only helped the St. Pius X Church and School community, but also the greater Tulsa community and even the world.  Over the past few years Eagle Projects have helped St. Pius X Church and School, neighboring parishes, the Tulsa Historical Society, the Lions Club, and even a Catholic mission in Haiti.  Not only has Troop 81 done countless hours of service through Eagle Projects, but we have also always done service work at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, as well as several other local charities.

Camping has also always been something that Troop 81 has focused on.  Whether it be the annual "Coon Hunt" or the annual Memorial Day campout, Troop 81 has always enjoyed camping.  We camp once a month, and we generally go on one big trip a year.

Currently, Troop 81 has over 40 registered scouts and is one of the Indian Nations Council's most distinguished troops.

Interested in joining us?

We meet starting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays in the St. Pius X School cafeteria.  Any boy in grades 5 - 12 can join Boy Scouts.  For more information on our troop feel free to email our Scoutmaster at scoutmaster@tulsa81.mytroop.us


Troop 81 in the News: